

Market your business during Mindful Month


Promoting your business during Mindful Month

These notes are for businesses that are participating in Mindful Month, and businesses that offer visitors ways to relax and retreat from a busy world.

What do we mean by ‘mindful’?

Being mindful means focusing one's awareness on the present moment, especially as part of a therapeutic or meditative technique. For some people it means sitting and perhaps meditating. For others it could be an outdoor activity, really being in the moment and using al…

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Get involved in Mindful Month

Rievaulx Abbey Credit Chris J Parker_NYMNPA (6)

Get involved in Mindful Month 

September is fast approaching and our fantastic Mindful Month will be returning for another year. Mindful Month is our chance to celebrate starting anew as we move into autumn, whilst promoting all of the incredible events and activities held across the North York Moors area that enable people to reconnect with both themselves and the nature around them.

This year, we’re asking for event submissions through an online form.

If you have a mindfulness related event…

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How to create a new tourism experience

New experiences

Are you considering creating a new tourism experience?

It could be something completely new, or a collaboration between businesses, or offer visitors an opportunity to learn something that enhances their visit.

We may be able to help you develop new experiences, with advice and possible funding so do get in touch if you’d like some support (susan@tourismnetwork.co.uk)

Here are some questions to consider:

Can you offer an opportunity to learn something new, sample an activity, watch or enjoy somet…

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Copyright free images

We have recently made aware that some businesses may have been contacted by a company alleging that they owe copyright fees for the use of some images which were provided by the North York Moors National Park. If you are contacted, you don't need to pay the fee. We suggest you respond with the following wording: 

We can confirm that the rights to the Bridestones image in question was purchased by the North York Moors National Park on a copyright free basis. Our records include documentation cle…

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Become a North York Moors National Park Champion

Screenshot 2023-02-08 at 17.50.25

This is a sneak peak at something we're just getting started with. I initially called it 'Ambassadors' but decided 'Champions' is less stuffy and more celebratory. You don't need to be super-human to participate! I can't give you all the details yet, but here's an outline which I hope will convince some of you to get involved and be the initial pioneer champions - or guinea pigs...

We'd like to work more closely with some people/businesses who really love their area and want to collaborate to r…

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Recommendations & community


[Image: Ceri Oakes]

I've often talked about the importance of insider tips and recommendations. As money gets tighter, visitors will hesitate to spend their hard-earned cash and they will need more reassurance than ever before. Even when people have money, they appreciate insider tips. 

Visitors won't want to waste money so they want to know they're doing the 'right thing' to spend. They'll also want to feel they're spending money with businesses and individuals who 'deserve' their custom. 


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Year of the Coast

Year of the Coast

2023 is the Year of the Coast and with 26 miles of marvellous coastline sitting here in the North York Moors National Park - sandwiched between beautiful moorland and the North Sea - we’re encouraging you to celebrate it with us.

There will be plenty to do along the way with our many walks and amblesevents and exhibitions to keep you busy. Stop by some of the country’s most-famous cafés and restaurants, or help keep your coast neat and tidy with some community beach cleans.

To mark the Year …

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Dark Skies - festival, advice & funding


Image: Steve Bell

Mike Hawtin gave a very interesting presentation about opportunities relating to the North York Moors National Park's International Dark Sky Reserve status, what you can do to help preserve this, how your business and nature can benefit, and some funding that could help you. You can watch the recording any time between now and 16th December. Here's the link

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Great Big Green Week

Great Big Green Week

The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. 

Between 24 September and 2 October this year, Great Big Green Week will unleash a wave of support for action to protect the planet. Tens of thousands of people in every corner of the country will celebrate the heartfelt, brave, everyday actions being taken to stand up for nature and fight climate change.

The North York Moors National Park is working on several activit…

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Accessible tourism - an important market

Purple full chart

If you think of 'accessible tourism' as important but hard to understand, think again. And if you think all disabled visitors are in wheelchairs and you can't necessarily cater for them, think again. You may be missing out on a huge market. We've added some information and resources to the Accessibility page - take a look and see how you can benefit, and make 20% of the population happy! 

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