
Get involved in Mindful Month

Rievaulx Abbey Credit Chris J Parker_NYMNPA (6)

Get involved in Mindful Month 

September is fast approaching and our fantastic Mindful Month will be returning for another year. Mindful Month is our chance to celebrate starting anew as we move into autumn, whilst promoting all of the incredible events and activities held across the North York Moors area that enable people to reconnect with both themselves and the nature around them.

This year, we’re asking for event submissions through an online form.

If you have a mindfulness related event…

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Benefit from Social Proof & PR

Power of PR

Are you taking advantage of the power of PR? 

The way we access information and get inspiration has changed. Official sources such as traditional tourist boards are no-longer valued. Instead we turn to friends, valuing peer-to-peer tips. We use ideas gleaned from the internet, social media and the media. When a journalist writes about a place, it's seen as an external endorsement and can be very powerful.

In the North York Moors National Park we're fortunate that Amanda Brown works hard to gen…

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You can help nature recovery

Barn Owl - Mike Nicholas

As we work to deliver landscape-scale nature recovery projects, there are things we can all do, whatever the size of your outdoor space, from window boxes to your gardens or community green spaces. Our Senior Ecologist Elspeth Ingleby has shared her advice for helping nature thrive.

We’d also like to invite you to be inspired at this Sunday's Community Earth Project launch event in Danby. The programme of activities and talks includes an update from us on how to get involved in some of our citiz…

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How to create a new tourism experience

New experiences

Are you considering creating a new tourism experience?

It could be something completely new, or a collaboration between businesses, or offer visitors an opportunity to learn something that enhances their visit.

We may be able to help you develop new experiences, with advice and possible funding so do get in touch if you’d like some support (susan@tourismnetwork.co.uk)

Here are some questions to consider:

Can you offer an opportunity to learn something new, sample an activity, watch or enjoy somet…

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Eden Camp Literature Exchange Day

Eden Camp are once again hosting their popular, annual event on 20 March. It's your chance to collect leaflets/guides and meet over 30 attractions in the local area. Come and say hello, we’ll have a stand so you can collect this year’s Out and About guide. You need to bring this invitation on the day to gain entry, but don’t need to book.Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 11.48.32

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Team Update - Dom & Phoebe

Dom Headshot copyWe're pleased to introduce Dominic Barry as the North York Moors National Park Authority's Cycling Development Manager, a brand-new role to help shape the direction of cycling within the National Park.

Dom previously worked for Forestry England as a Recreation Manager, helping to improve the offer through working with new stakeholders, delivering events and diversifying income streams.  He's also spent time working abroad in the ski and outdoor industry. 

Dom is hoping to connect more people (…

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Copyright free images

We have recently made aware that some businesses may have been contacted by a company alleging that they owe copyright fees for the use of some images which were provided by the North York Moors National Park. If you are contacted, you don't need to pay the fee. We suggest you respond with the following wording: 

We can confirm that the rights to the Bridestones image in question was purchased by the North York Moors National Park on a copyright free basis. Our records include documentation cle…

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Countryside Code

With a busy summer season coming up we want to ensure that all visitors are looking after our towns, villages, and surrounding landscape.

The Yorkshire Land Network have created ‘the Countryside Code’ a light-hearted video with a serious message, featuring young rangers as they stumble across some common mistakes visitors make.

You can download videos to post to your own channels here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zqpehwci2f62in2/AADHXhcRh0U2DBqBsO7lHLSma?dl=0

or copy and paste the YouTube link …

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Great Yorkshire Show

Here's a message from Emma at North Yorkshire Council: 

Great Yorkshire Show - Partner packages

Following the launch of the new unitary council – North Yorkshire Council – the tourism teams from across the county are coming together to host a stand at the Great Yorkshire Show, taking place at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate between 11th – 14th July 2023.

If you would like to join us on the stand to promote your business to a potential audience of over 140,000 and help to position …

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