
Accessibility: even more important than you may have realised?

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The Euan's Guide Access Survey is the longest running and largest survey of its kind in the UK. 

Now in its eighth year, the results of the 2022 Euan's Guide Access Survey are available: 

  • 72% have found accessibility information on a venue’s website to be misleading, confusing or inaccurate
  • 74% have experienced a disappointing trip or having had to change plans due to poor accessibility
  • 51% said reviews from other disabled people improve their confidence when visiting new places
  • 46% have …

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Become a North York Moors National Park Champion

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This is a sneak peak at something we're just getting started with. I initially called it 'Ambassadors' but decided 'Champions' is less stuffy and more celebratory. You don't need to be super-human to participate! I can't give you all the details yet, but here's an outline which I hope will convince some of you to get involved and be the initial pioneer champions - or guinea pigs...

We'd like to work more closely with some people/businesses who really love their area and want to collaborate to r…

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Recommendations & community


[Image: Ceri Oakes]

I've often talked about the importance of insider tips and recommendations. As money gets tighter, visitors will hesitate to spend their hard-earned cash and they will need more reassurance than ever before. Even when people have money, they appreciate insider tips. 

Visitors won't want to waste money so they want to know they're doing the 'right thing' to spend. They'll also want to feel they're spending money with businesses and individuals who 'deserve' their custom. 


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Year of the Coast

Year of the Coast

2023 is the Year of the Coast and with 26 miles of marvellous coastline sitting here in the North York Moors National Park - sandwiched between beautiful moorland and the North Sea - we’re encouraging you to celebrate it with us.

There will be plenty to do along the way with our many walks and amblesevents and exhibitions to keep you busy. Stop by some of the country’s most-famous cafés and restaurants, or help keep your coast neat and tidy with some community beach cleans.

To mark the Year …

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Dark Skies - festival, advice & funding


Image: Steve Bell

Mike Hawtin gave a very interesting presentation about opportunities relating to the North York Moors National Park's International Dark Sky Reserve status, what you can do to help preserve this, how your business and nature can benefit, and some funding that could help you. You can watch the recording any time between now and 16th December. Here's the link

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Happy Birthday!

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On Monday 28 November 2022, the North York Moors celebrates 70 years as a National Park. We hope you’ll get involved in the birthday spirit!

Create your own content or share directly from our social channels. We’ve created some birthday graphics for you to download and use. Don’t forget our YouTube channel to share your favourite videos too.

Key messages:

  • Happy 70th Birthday North York Moors National Park
  • Celebrating 70 years of heather moorland, rugged coastline and deep-wooded dales
  • A s…

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Business grants

The North York Moors National Park Authority is offering up to £10,000 in financial support as part of its Local Business Tourism Contribution Grant 2022/23. Tourism businesses are encouraged to apply to implement new projects and ventures that appeal to new visitor markets and use the area’s local distinctiveness.

Time is running out to apply. Your project must be completed by 10 April 2023. Find out if you’re eligible and get in touch with Laura Barr (l.barr@northyorkmoors.org.uk) to discuss yo…

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Team Update

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The North York Moors National Park Marketing and Communications Team has been enhanced with the return of Laura Barr, back from maternity leave, and appointment of Tom Outing. The team now includes: Catriona McLees, Head of Marketing and Communications; Tom Outing, Marketing and Communications Manager; Emily Watson, Visitor Development and Marketing Assistant; and Laura Barr, Marketing and Product Development Executive.

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